Cumberland Valley Act 93 Agreement

The Cumberland Valley Act 93 Agreement: A Comprehensive Overview

The Cumberland Valley School District is one of the largest and most well-respected school districts in the state of Pennsylvania. It serves around 7,000 students across four elementary schools, two middle schools, and one high school. Given its size and scope, the district is governed by a complex set of rules and regulations that ensure quality education for all students.

One of the most significant agreements governing the operations of the Cumberland Valley School District is the Act 93 Agreement. This agreement is signed between the school board and district administrators and deals with a range of issues related to employee compensation, benefits, and work conditions.

What is the Act 93 Agreement?

The Act 93 Agreement is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for administrative employees of public schools in the state of Pennsylvania. It is named after the relevant section of the Pennsylvania School Code (Act 93 of 1992) that authorizes the creation of such agreements.

The agreement is designed to ensure that policies and procedures relating to the hiring, firing, and compensation of administrative staff are consistent across all public schools in the state. It also provides a framework for resolving conflicts and disputes between administrators and school boards.

Key Provisions of the Cumberland Valley Act 93 Agreement

The Cumberland Valley Act 93 Agreement is a comprehensive document that covers a wide range of topics related to employee compensation, benefits, and work conditions. Here are some of the key provisions of the agreement:

Compensation: The agreement sets out a pay scale for all administrative positions within the district, including superintendent, assistant superintendent, director, principal, and assistant principal. The pay scale is based on years of experience and level of education.

Benefits: The agreement provides a range of benefits to administrative employees, including health insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, and retirement plans. The district also provides paid time off for sick days, personal days, and vacation time.

Evaluation: The agreement establishes a formal evaluation process for all administrative employees, which is conducted annually by the superintendent or his/her designee. The evaluation process includes a review of job performance, professional growth, and adherence to district policies and procedures.

Professional Development: The agreement requires all administrative employees to participate in ongoing professional development activities to enhance their skills and knowledge. The district provides funds for this purpose.

Work Conditions: The agreement outlines the work conditions for administrative employees, including working hours, job responsibilities, and work environment. It also provides guidelines for handling grievances and disputes between administrators and the school board.

In conclusion, the Cumberland Valley Act 93 Agreement is a vital document that governs the operations of the school district`s administrative staff. By outlining the terms and conditions of employment, the agreement ensures that employees are treated fairly and consistently across all public schools in Pennsylvania. It also provides a framework for resolving conflicts and disputes between administrators and the school board.

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